Hear The Voice of A Cult Leader: Tapes from The Body

Cult leaders are generally very cunning con artists. By and large, these characters are adept at removing themselves from the blowback that follows their most destructive tendencies.

Marc B, the head of a destructive sex cult called The Body, is an example of a cult leader who has been skillful at covering his tracks. When Marc was faced with a former member who wanted to speak out about their own experience, the pastor went to great lengths to cast the defector as perverted criminal.
The Body’s version of events was that the individual speaking out was removed from the church to protect the safety of the other members. This story was total bullshit, but enough people bought it to silence the whistleblower.

Marc was off the hook for a moment, but the Alaskan community where The Body was founded started poking around and asking questions about the “Christian” operation. When the heat intensified, Marc gathered his troops and quietly took his cult on a pilgrimage away from Alaska, to places free of cult accusations. It should be mentioned- there was no record of the group for public consumption before this website went live. So, how did this group escape recognition?

From the beginning, Marc has kept an extraordinarily low profile for a man who often claims to be on par with Jesus. He’s avoided making the news, stockpiles blackmail when members leave, and hasn’t made a peep on social media. The result is that he’s thrown off the cult scent well enough to preserved himself and his group for almost two decades. If you look at the full arc of The Body, Marc’s tenure as savior has been almost free of gaffs. Almost.

There’s another common characteristic cult leaders share that Marc B fits to a T: he’s a total narcissist who desires to be worshiped. This can be problematic for a secret group. A conflict is impossible to avoid between a Christ-figure to save humanity and the need to remain underground. It’s the kind of quality that can threaten a well-oiled covert operation.
One example of how this can backfire comes from NXIVM. Keith Raniere might have avoided life in prison if he hadn’t used his own initials when women were branded. That’s not something even the most deft of cult leaders can talk their way out of.
In the case of Marc B, he wanted his followers to digitally record his “divine” words at all times. This became a liability after former members held on to their files. When the recordings became court records, the whispers started in Kenai. If it weren’t for this error of complete and unnecessary narcissism, The Body never would never have had to run from Alaska.

It’s time to make the recordings public.

Below you’ll find a series of exclusive clips that illustrate the kind of cult leader Marc B is. Alongside each recording there’s context for the clips that will fill in the picture of what’s being discussed.

Jesus Preached Sex

There have been several credible stories of sex abuse concerning The Body that make other sex cults seem fairly tame by comparison. This is an important recording if you’re curious about how Marc was able to convince his member to take part in their own molestations. Here, he’s in the middle of a sermon and preaching about sex being critical to the story of Jesus.
Of course, the claim that sticks out isn’t backed up anywhere in the Bible. This is just a way for Marc to normalize mixing the concepts of God and sex for his followers.

Marc Kicks a Member Out of The Body

This is one of the longer recording to surface, and it might be the most important file. The backstory for this clip is that Marc wanted to sleep with the wife of a member, and when this member challenged Marc for obvious reasons, it became time to remove the dissenter. In the audio, Marc offers the member he’s removing from his church “the grace to walk away” while the member begs to stay. What ended up happening in this situation is that Marc got his wish- the member’s wife stayed in the cult and in the end abandoned her six children to stay in The Body. It’s one of the most tragic elements in this story. Something important going on here to listen for- Marc didn’t just want the members he removed gone; he wanted them to kill themselves so they wouldn’t be a problem in the future. Marc offers the opportunity for the member he’s kicking out to “resurrect in Abraham.” What the cult leader means by this is essentially that the member he’s getting rid of will still go to heaven if he throws in the towel by suicide. That is the kind of manipulation Marc is comfortable with.

The Preacher’s Body

Here’s another clip of sexual gospel that almost makes the notion of Jesus preaching about sex seem pedestrian. It starts with some disturbing comments about dicks and “stroking that thing” before Marc takes the opportunity to spin the subject to his own body. The clip ends with an argument for exploring sexuality at home.
Important side note- Marc wanted his members to give detailed analysis of their sex lives to him after every sexual encounter. This is the kind of invasive boundary crossing you’ll find with someone like Marc B. Things would get worse when Marc weaponized these kinds of confessions for the purpose of blackmailing former members by leaking exaggerated stories of their sex lives.

Loving Marc Enough to Burn in Hell

The beginning of this clip is a bit confusing, but Marc makes his message clear in the end. What’s happening in this tape is that Marc is telling a story about a member who loves him so much he’d be willing to be cast into hell for eternity to prove his devotion. If you’re not Christian, it’s important to put yourself in the shoes of someone terrified of hell over all other concerns to understand the gravity of what’s being said. This is a kind of “bargaining” you see in many cults. Beyond that, what really stands out here is the incredible narcissism on display. Marc is giving an example of what a good member would do for him i.e. devotion at its most extreme. Marc sees himself as an extension of God. A fate worse than death may be worth it if you want to follow the true path. Being able to convince people of this kind of thing is what makes Marc so dangerous.

No Sympathy

You only need to know a sliver of the Jesus story to understand how philosophically backwards this clip is in the realm of Christianity. Marc wants his members to have no sympathy at all in their hearts. Yes, it’s a terrible message on every level, but it’s also important to see why this would be useful to a cult leader like Marc B. Around the time this was recorded there was a plan in place that would destroy people’s lives, and Marc wanted to make sure those closest to his misfortunate targets wouldn’t think twice about offering support. The prophecy would make members complicit in blackmail efforts that Marc claimed came from God. Not having sympathy is quality Marc shares with all cult leaders, it’s just incredible to hear this spoken with such bald language.

The End of Earthly Covenants

It’s impossible to ignore how bonkers the beginning of this clip is so it’ll be addressed before getting to the most important part of the audio.
Marc claims God spoke to him. The messiah complex is evident, but that’s not what makes the introduction so insane.
It’s hard to find humor in such a dark story, but it’s genuinely hilarious when Marc refers to God as “Daddy.” It’s too ridiculous not to be called out.
What’s critical about this clip comes after the daddy talk, however. The message Marc received from God was about dissolving “earthly covenants,” which is, above all, a way to say marriages in the cult are meaningless. This led to family’s being destroyed over Marc’s lust. Like many of these clips, it represents a seed that the cult leader is sowing in the minds of his followers so that they can justify their role in his plan. This is a big reason why no one should take it seriously when Marc’s defenders blame ex-members for their role in the suffering that would come. Marc planned everything out well ahead of time. All the misery was mapped out with scripture.

Calling for the Deaths of Former Members

This clip is so unambiguous it doesn’t require much explanation. Marc wants castaways to die and it’s not a stretch to say this sounds like the rantings of someone capable of murder. This guy belongs in prison.


This final clip is another journey in Marc’s fantasy of a kingdom. If you’ve listened to the rest of the recordings and are convinced this guy is a cult leader, there’s not much else to glean here. There is a breadcrumb in the tape for sleuths interested in piecing together the mystery, however.
Hint: listen to the tape.
It’s probably best if you find it on your own.

The reason we refer to Marc as “Marc B” instead of using his full name is that we don’t want a lawyer to corner this website into obscurity. It’s vital to keep the page alive, and half of the information is better than nothing.

More tape will be released upon further demand.


Digital Traces Of A Hidden Cult


Where The Body Roamed